Comics of the Week: Robots, Death, & Zombies

This week’s featured comics include the science of robotics, Appalachian zombies, and a beautiful depiction of life after death. These are the issues we loved this week, and the starts of series we can’t wait to follow. Check them out!

Comics of the Week

Euthanauts, Issue 1

Written by Tini Howard
Art by Nick Robles
Published by Black Crown

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Euthanauts features absolutely stunning artwork, filled with intricate details that highlight a complex story of life and death. I was floored by the storytelling and the depiction of life after death. It’s morbid, beautiful, and infinitely interesting. This is such a cool series!

Appalachian Apocalypse! Issue 1

Written by Billy Tucci
Art by Ethan Nicolle
Published by Cave Pictures Publishing

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Appalachian Apocalypse! is a wild ride filled with Confederate zombies and an underlying plot to hide a dark artifact that could destroy the world. The art style is brilliant, filled with the gory details of war and a look at Appalachian life. It’s a fun read that promises to become a fascinatingly unique series. 

Atomic Robo & the Dawn
of a New Era, Issue 1

Written by Brian Clevinger
Art by Scott Wegener
Published by Tesladyne

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Atomic Robo & the Dawn of a New Era presents a brief history of robotics, coupled with the creation of a scientific team given free rein to study and explore. This is a series chock full of robots including a talking old-school computer and an enormous spelunking bot. Needless to say, we love a solid robot series with thoughtful storytelling and expert artwork. 

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Author: Jacob A. Olson

Reviewing science fiction and fantasy since 2018! I'm most interested in novels that focus on strong characters amidst rich settings. Especially fond of space operas and robot fiction!

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